Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Box Cat FTW

i was released from jail this morning, really appreciating the little things in life that break up the day to day monotony that weighs down so heavy on our poor misbegotten shoulders.

a good example of said little things would be cat videos on youtube (babies eating pucker-inducing food items and cute things in general falling asleep being very close runners up). more specifically, a good example would be box cat:

i don't know about you, but i cant help but feel a little lighter now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Day's Ration
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I was born,
From all the seas of strength Fate filled a chalice,
Saying, This be thy portion, child; this chalice,
Less than a lily's, thou shalt daily draw
From my great arteries; nor less, nor more.
All substances the cunning chemist Time
Melts down into that liquor of my life,
Friends, foes, joys, fortunes, beauty, and disgust,
And whether I am angry or content,
Indebted or insulted, loved or hurt,
All he distils into sidereal wine,
And brims my little cup; heedless, alas!
Of all he sheds how little it will hold,
How much runs over on the desert sands.
If a new muse draw me with splendid ray,
And I uplift myself into her heaven,
The needs of the first sight absorb my blood,
And all the following hours of the day
Drag a ridiculous age.
To-day, when friends approach, and every hour
Brings book or starbright scroll of genius,
The tiny cup will hold not a bead more,
And all the costly liquor runs to waste,
Nor gives the jealous time one diamond drop
So to be husbanded for poorer days.
Why need I volumes, if one word suffice?
Why need I galleries, when a pupil's draught
After the master's sketch, fills and o'erfills
My apprehension? Why should I roam,
Who cannot circumnavigate the sea
Of thoughts and things at home, but still adjourn
The nearest matters to another moon?
Why see new men
Who have not understood the old?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"try and meddle, i want you to know what you're meddling with"

Rainbow Arabia's video make me smile until it hurts:

Rainbow Arabia "Let Them Dance" Music Video from Jacqueline Castel on Vimeo.

just biding my time until i have to participate in a chat assignment for my online english class, which seems like such a haphazard idea for an assignment that is worth 75 points. boggles my mind.

but afterwards, i am looking forward to the rest of my morning, which will consist of multigrain cheerios, coffee, and

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I sense that things are becoming a bit too much for me to handle. Through the motions i mindlessly stroll. The mechanics of this machine are working properly, while the heart and soul look to have abandoned ship some time ago, like animals that can sense natural disasters.

If you look up tired in the dictionary, you will find a picture of my face. This isn't a new development for me. I most likely overuse that word when describing my physical and emotional state of being. It always applies though, and is always the most accurate in terms of description.

I'm sorry. I promise I'll put up something of a far more interesting nature soon.

SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo.