Sunday, January 31, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010


The Official Sweetgrass Trailer from Webmaster on Vimeo.

I can imagine this would be something I would really enjoy...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What does it Take?

What does it take?
It can't be measured like distance
Calculated by time
Expressed in rhyme
What it takes can't be bought
Be sold
Whether young, old
With silver and gold
It can't be wrought
Neither timid neither bold

What does it take is what it wasn't
Should be, shouldn't
It can't be weighed
Not physically, philiosophically
Can't drown because it can't breath
Won't breath
Needs to just as it doesn't

What it takes has nothing to do
With you or i
Faces behind faces
You can't begin to see where the lines begin to
come together
What does it take?
Certainly not trying
Or giving up

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Go Team Venture!

The Venture Bros definitely has to be my favorite show on Adult Swim right now. You can't go wrong. You also can't go wrong with the soundtrack, which is just as much fun on it's own. J.G. Thirwell makes you want to hop on a motorcycle and drive through an exploding building, but only after throwing a wicked cocktail party for secret agents.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

first personal anthem for the year

the way i have been feeling lately, this song came along at just the right time.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Joy Orbison / Gold Panda

Nothing like waking up in the morning for another day of work and running across a couple new and promising dubstep acts. I'll take it as a good omen.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

that sound you make...

Needless to say, this year has begun under strange circumstances. Maybe not strange, per se, but everything at least stands askew. For many I know, it's a time of starting over, and if not completely from scratch then embarking on new avenues that promise them some form of consistent comfort or, at the very least, familiarity.

It's no different for me. I'm starting over from exactly where I left off about part way through last year. Everything is pretty much where I left it, except now I have a shaky, vulnerable disposition. I feel detached, and probably will feel it even more so once I go back to work tomorrow and fall back into my trusted routines. I fear losing my perception of passion yet again and falling prey to the doldrums of creature comforts.

I guess I should, if nothing else, be thankful that my chosen inhibitions are very, very comfortable.

It's funny about Built To Spill. I don't listen to them very often at all and can't claim to be very familiar with their body of work, even though I have plenty of it on my iPod. However, whenever I find myself in one of those moods during one of those times, they are absolutely the perfect band. the best choice over all others. So right now, I fucking love them.