Sunday, May 31, 2009


I remember renting some VHS tapes of this show from the Video Choice down the street from where I used to live, as well as from the library from time to time. I don't think that either place had the beginning of the series, so I ended up having to piece together what the hell was going from what I saw. Essentially, its reptilian aliens infiltrating the human race for their own nefarious purposes.

It's too bad humankind has such a substantial inferiority complex so as to instill such distrust and suspicion into our minds regarding any potential galactic neighbors. We're definitely going to have some awkward first impression moments to work through.

So it seems that ABC has decided to remake the series. Remembering back on the time I spent with the original, I can see how certain themes may be considered relevant to our present socio-political environment. I can't help but feel, however, that fueling the distrust level of the American people, if even through metaphorical sci-fi narratives, isn't within our best interest.

I don't know. This concept seems very beaten horse to me at this point. I will definitely end up giving it a shot when it premiers. Hopefully it will surprise me. I almost want it to.

And, I mean, c'mon:

I'll watch pretty much anything Morena Baccarin is in.


Hello Elizabeth Mitchell. So I am assuming from the substantial role that she plays in this show that Juliet is as good as really dead on "Lost". Iiiinteresing...

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